K Logistics
Paul introduces himself: “But this I do admit to you: I worship the God of our fathers in accordance with the Way (which they call a sect). I continue to believe everything that accords with the Torah and everything written in the Prophets." [Acts 24:14 CJB]

Yeshua said, 
“I AM The Way"...

and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through me.  [John 14:6 CJB]
READ: The Early Church; THE WAY

Featured Video Messages:

All businesses develop a MISSION STATEMENT, which is the CODE that they perform their business around.  Do you have a PERSONAL Mission Statment? One that you can instantly bring to mind and state in a 30-second elevator ride?

Apostle Paul had a very focused Mission Statement, which I outine in this message titled "YOUR MISSION STATEMENT".

Jesus/Yeshua of course also have a Mission Statement, as well as Father God Most High. The 30-second elevator ride version is stated in a 2-verse declaration in our Bibles.  Can you think of what it might be?

Watch the video message: "YOUR MISSION STATEMENT" ->>

We CANNOT HEAR God, our Creator with our nephesh-Human mortal ears. Why does humankind in general NOT hear God? Unfortunately too many have Muted /their communication device with God,- that being the SPIRIT within man.   This 35minute message Helps us understand TWO very important Hebrew words: "SHEMA", and "Shuv", meaning to HEAR and to TURN or TURN BACK.   These are both ACTION words, but how to we actually HEAR god's Holy Spirit, to HEAR it so we can take action?  This meassage will bring this to light.   Listen: COMMUNICATION & SHEMA---->

Daily, even hourly we are bombarded with horrible things happening around us. The daily news is so hard to watch for very long without getting angry and sadened! Our world continues to slip further into darkness where the moral are ridiculed and put down in favor of a new WOKE way without gender identity allowed or is twisted, laking the morality that our Creator intended.  IT CAN BE DOWNRIGHT DEPRESSING!        Look Up!  As believers, we are assured of BRIGHTER DAYS AHEAD!

This featured video message is by Robert Bates of 2TheWay.org ministries, interviewing Philip Shields of Light On The Rock, and reminds us though that "BRIGHTER DAYS ARE AHEAD FOR BELIEVERS"!

We all need this ray of HOPE--->>>>>>

Have you ever wondered WHY God CREATED everything?  Was God bored one day and thought,- hmm wouldn't it be fun to create all kinds of stuff?  Did God "NEED" to Create???   This 35 minute presentation asks this very valid question, and find a eye opening reason as to WHY- GOD CREATED!

Please watch the video: "WHY DID GOD CREATE?" ----->

We hear protests of people "falsly" stating that Israel is the invader in the land they posess, and as false and hard to believe as it is from looking at the "TRUE" facts and reports from first hand witnesses; that Hamas should be supported. So let's bring some "TRUTH" and clarity to this.   READ my PDF Blog on "WHO OWNS THE LAND OF ISRAEL?"

Watch this EXTRA BONUS VIDEO TO FURTHER SUPPORT,-  Don't let a 1850's monkeyman make a monkey's uncle out of you,- look at the Mountain of FACTS Ma'am.....>>>>>>>

In this 12-minute video, a Biochemist, a Mathematician, and a Geophysicist (Michael Behe, John Lennox & Stephen Meyer) explain why the advances in our knowledge about the cell over the past hundred years now make Darwin's original theory untenable.   Presentation by Daily Dose of Wisdom.....>>>>>>

The Hiding is OVER!

For thousands of years people have been trying to HIDE our God's unique hallowed name (as Yeshua called it).    He placed it in "HIS" scriptures 6,827 times in the Old Testament alone. How silly for man to think He didn't want us to speak it!  Why would He place it in His word and then not want us to speak it?  ABSURD!

Watch the following primer, then the 2-part messages: "What's Your God's Name" & "Hiding In Plain Sight"... ...

About 14 years ago, God brought to my attention that bible translators had “whited-out” His name called “hallowed/sacred” by Yeshua in what we call “The Lord’s Prayer”.    REALLY?!?!

When I asked most (not all) ministers about this, the answer I received was that “we didn’t know how to pronounce it, even Jews don’t pronounce it”, and "it’s not truly known".

As I researched on the most popular research source- Google, I started using Yahweh, HOWEVER, I never stopped researching AND DAILY, or several times a day prayed the following prayer:

“Father, I pray that You show me YOUR TRUTH according to YOUR will, NOT what I Hope to find to support mine or anyone else agenda, NOT for my own boasting, but ONLY for YOU and YOUR Honor and Glory”.

I continued my searching and praying, made a spreadsheet of Hebrew names which started pointing the way, I understood that the “key” was in Exodus 3:14 where Moses straight out ask God what His name is. I consulted Hebrew to translate God’s answer in a literal way, and used the result of this “literal” research for several months, which differed from the Google name of God, but STILL wasn’t completed convicted as I continued my prayer.    This was about a 6-year process.

Finally, as my prayer and research continued, the peace of God’s answer settled on me that it was NOT the POPULAR Google and sacred name group name.  I didn’t’t conclude this from my own anglo/English head knowledge, but by “MOUNTING EVIDENCE” being duplicated over and over and over again.  Evidence that was somewhat hidden and even very hidden 15-20 years prior.   Once God gave me the peace of HIS answer, I started to find the evidence all over the place, EVEN in the most popular bible translation of all time, which ever minister has on their book-shelf, and I realized His name had intentionally been HIDEN.

WHAT IS "YOUR" GOD'S NAME?    Watch the primer below...

HOWEVER, it turned out to be HIDEN IN PLAIN SITE in lots and lots of places, but no one was seeing it partly because no one was looking, having easily accepting what PEOPLE were saying, and because of the apathetic attitude that resulted from these false ideas.

All of the mounting evidence can no longer be called coincidence when it happens over and over and over, but should be called “God-incidence”.

I hope you find the 2-part teaching linked below a GREAT BLESSING as it has for me.   I’ve found as I simply restored God’s personal name to His scriptures as I read, which He placed in HIS scriptures nearly SEVEN THOUSAND times, that it was VERY INTENTIONAL, and blessed me more than ever before, in reading His scriptures, and helping me see Him more Face-to-Face.  

We are instructed to Ask, Seek, Knock.  I hope this 2-part series BLESSES and helps open His door of Honor and Glory:


In my early search to know Father God's Name, as He placed it in HIS Scriptures of the Old Testament (Tanakh) 6,827 times, I did what most modern people do these days,- Hey Google".     Not that it is the information answer to everything, but it does show the most populous ideas and opinions.   In regards to God's person name (YHVH known as the Tetragrammaton, 4 Hebrew consonants) the popular name shown is Yahweh.  I could not stop searching & digging with just Google however, and as my investigation continued into MANY avenues, I noticed that the English names in the bibles for people, did NOT record them using their Birth-Given HEBREW Names.   So Hebrew names became a study for clues to God's name HE pronounced to Moses at Mt Sinai using the 4-Hebrew letters, which in English are YHVH, or Hebrew Yud Hey Vav Hey.  The chart Link Here and to the right show the common Hebrew rule that pops at you clearly showing when you apply God's name as I now have clearly found after years of research to be "Yehovah",  at the BEGINNING of a name it is "YEHO", and when at the END of a name it is "YAHU", which is where we get the poetic and sung version of God's name in scripture "YAH" from YAHU.      See the 4-page PDF here---->

VERSE OF THE DAY --------->>>

from BibleGateway

[CJB translation]

A powerful network for a stronger faith & Understanding

With input from multiple whole bible believers, our organization forms a strong and reliable faith network. We consider Hebrew/Jewish scholars to help us understand the front part of the bible, and those that follow the example Yeshua and the early church called "the Way".
"Just as iron sharpens iron, a person sharpens the character of his friend." [Proverbs 27:17]
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We pursue close relationships with other believers and seekers of the God of the bible.  We offer support to each other and let God be God.

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The Truth will set all free

Yeshua (Jesus) made the bold statement that "he" was "the way", the "truth" and the "light".  He came to show us Father; Yeshua's words and actions fulfilled all that God proclaimed to the ancients, which he exemplified as "light and life". When he, our savior returns, will he recognize the church's of today?  We seek to be the faithful bride and church as he left it, before returning to Father. As he himself said: “If you obey what I say, then you are really my talmidim (disciples), you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” [John 8:31-32]  If you have questions or comments for our ministers, you can send us a message below......
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