About 14 years ago, God brought to my attention that bible translators had “whited-out” His name called “hallowed/sacred” by Yeshua in what we call “The Lord’s Prayer”. REALLY?!?!
When I asked most (not all) ministers about this, the answer I received was that “we didn’t know how to pronounce it, even Jews don’t pronounce it”, and "it’s not truly known".
As I researched on the most popular research source- Google, I started using Yahweh, HOWEVER, I never stopped researching AND DAILY, or several times a day prayed the following prayer:
“Father, I pray that You show me YOUR TRUTH according to YOUR will, NOT what I Hope to find to support mine or anyone else agenda, NOT for my own boasting, but ONLY for YOU and YOUR Honor and Glory”.
I continued my searching and praying, made a spreadsheet of Hebrew names which started pointing the way, I understood that the “key” was in Exodus 3:14 where Moses straight out ask God what His name is. I consulted Hebrew to translate God’s answer in a literal way, and used the result of this “literal” research for several months, which differed from the Google name of God, but STILL wasn’t completed convicted as I continued my prayer. This was about a 6-year process.
Finally, as my prayer and research continued, the peace of God’s answer settled on me that it was NOT the POPULAR Google and sacred name group name. I didn’t’t conclude this from my own anglo/English head knowledge, but by “MOUNTING EVIDENCE” being duplicated over and over and over again. Evidence that was somewhat hidden and even very hidden 15-20 years prior. Once God gave me the peace of HIS answer, I started to find the evidence all over the place, EVEN in the most popular bible translation of all time, which ever minister has on their book-shelf, and I realized His name had intentionally been HIDEN.