We are also in the early formation of a local SPACE COAST Florida Meetup Sabbath keepers group.
We are also in the early formation of a local SPACE COAST Florida Meetup Sabbath keepers group.
In this age of grace, has God's LAW taken on a negative stigma? Does it mean we are "legalistic" if we "Love God's Law"?
Did Yeshua (Jesus) come to minimalize or cancel "the law" or did he "magnify the law"?
Read the newest blog: "IS IT LEGALISTIC TO LOVE GOD'S LAW?"
FEATURED MESSAGE: We've come to understand that no man can see God. Is that the end of the story? CLICK HERE to Read the Blog: "Do We See God Face to Face?"
John 1:20 “I pray not only for these, but also for those who will trust in me because of their word, 21 that they may all be one. Just as you, Father, are united with me and I with you, I pray that they may be united with us, so that the world may believe that you sent me.
a Must Read: "WHEN GOD SPOKE"
Can you imagine hearing God's VOICE, yes hear God Audibly SPEAK?! What important words does God open his mouth to audibly speak to multiples of people at one time? CLICK TO READ this measage discusses "WHEN GOD SPOKE"; what, when, and where would propt God to openly speak?
Pentecost/Shavuoth Message:
Do you accept hearing God's VOICE Speaking to you? Pentecost pictures the coming of God's Holy Spirit, but did you know God promised His Spirit to the ancients. CLICK HERE to Read the Blog: "Hearing the Voice of God's Holy Spirit"
Pre-Feast of Trumpets message (from Light On The Rock):
This feast is more appropriately called "Feast of Shouts or Blasts".
Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) 2018 Sequence of events leading to Christ’s return.
God’s holy days give us a blue print – an outline – of God’s plan to reveal himself to all mankind and to save. The Feast of Trumpets is all about the Son of God Yeshua returning to earth to rule the world that we rehearse during the Feast of Tabernacles. What are the sequence of events culminating with His return? (message by Philip Shields)
It is fairly easy to proclaim Thanks when we are at the high points of our life. What about during the low points of our life? Our 16th president set a wonderful example that is perfectly inline with the bible. This blog looks at great Thankfulness, as well as being Thankful even as tears may flow from our eyes. Read: "THANKFULNESS, EVEN IN TEARS"